Centro Internacional de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras - CILCE
- Exámenes de suficiencia.
- Exámenes de clasificación (Neos).
- Exámen de comprensión lectora en inglés (posgrados).
- Intersemestrales.
- Plan de formación en Lengua Extranjera (nivelación).
- Clubes de conversación (Docentes- Estudiantes).
- Exámenes de suficiencia
- Exámenes de clasificación (Neos)
- Examen de comprensión lectora en inglés (posgrados)
Exámenes de suficiencia
El Exámen de suficiencia es un acto voluntario y formal solicitado por el interesado con la finalidad de acreditar el nivel del conocimiento de un idioma para lo cual se somete a una evaluación.
La Unidad de Lenguas ofrece a los estudiantes de pregrado la opción de presentar dicho examen, para lo cual el estudiante debe diligenciar el siguiente formulario:
Formulario aquí
Una vez hecha la solicitud por parte del estudiante, esta será estudiada; la inscripción NO asegura la presentación del examen. En caso de ser aceptado, se le informará por medios institucionales.
Exámenes de clasificación (Neos)
Examen de comprensión lectora en inglés (posgrados)
- Cursos Intersemestrales de Inglés
- Curso: Plan de Formación en
Lengua Extranjera (nivelación) - Clubes de conversación (Docentes-estudiantes)
Cursos Intersemestrales de Inglés
*El Formulario sólo se habilita durante el período intersemestral y de acuerdo a las fechas del calendario académico
Curso: Plan de Formación en Lengua Extranjera (nivelación)
Son cursos especiales establecidos por el ILE Villavicencio para lograr el propósito de graduación oportuna de los estudiantes de Pregrado de la USTA que se encuentran con varios niveles pendientes en su plan de estudios.
Pueden acoger a este plan de formación los estudiantes que cumplan con los siguientes requisitos:
- Tiene tres o más niveles de inglés pendientes por cursar.
- Ha terminado sus espacios académicos disciplinares.
- Se encuentra cursando los últimos semestres en programas de pregrado (8vo, 9no o 10mo).
- Ha cursado y aprobado por lo menos tres niveles de inglés para plan de estudios nuevo (6
niveles); para plan de estudios antiguo debe haber cursado por lo menos 4 niveles de inglés.
- Se ha reintegrado y cumple con la condición de estudiante de acuerdo al reglamento
estudiantil de pregrado y cumple con las condiciones descriptas anteriormente.
Toda solicitud será estudiada por el ILE Villavicencio; para solicitar cupo el estudiante interesado debe completar el siguiente formulario:
*El formulario se habilita de acuerdo a las solicitudes recibidas, para mayor información no olvides seguir nuestras redes sociales.
Clubes de conversación (Docentes-estudiantes)
El club de conversación para estudiantes está dividido en nivel básico y avanzado; los horarios para ingresar a dicho club deben ser consultados en el horario de tutorías.
*Los horarios de los clubes de conversación se encuentran especificados en el horario de tutorías.
Social Activities
- Bowling - Visit to the Zoo Los Ocarros - River Trip
- Movies - GYM - Cultural dancing classes - Sports
- Picnics and BBQS - Karaoke - Library - Farewell Dinner
Workshop on creative, academic and critical writing.
Development of communicative skills to develop fluency and accurancy (debates, round tables, academic presentation on current issues).
Speaking club.
Reading plan founded on graded readers of Spanish as a foreign language.
Vocabulary expanding and use of functional Spanish.
Preparation for DELE
Face to face lessons: 64 hours
Autonomus work: 31 hours
Common European Framework of Reference: A1
Problemic core: How can Spanish language and culture students interact in basic Spanish context situations?
Communicative functions:
Giving and asking personal information.
Telling the time.
Expressing daily activities.
Describing places.
How to cope with basic communicative situations: at the restaurant, at the bank, at the university, at the airport, at the hospital, at the supermarket, and so on.
Using numbers and quantities.
Referring to people physical appearance and personality.
Expressing likes and dislikes.
Ordering a typical dish (favorite recipes).
Talking about outdoor activities.
What do you do for fun?
Getting to know my neighbor.
Visiting touristic places in the city.
You will need to apply for a Colombian Student Visa.
The Colombian visa process is fairly easy, also, it’s done online. To be eligible for a student visa you need to be enrolled and to be taking at least 10 hours of classes per week. The Colombia student visa is currently known as a “Visitor” category visa, and it is valid for the time you are enrolled. The cost for the student visa is $67 USD approximately.
The following link below provides information on how to do that:
Colombia Government Website:
Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.
To enroll in our Spanish programs, you must complete the following steps:
1. Write us an email to our International Relations Office: internacional@ustavillavicencio.edu.co, introducing yourself and telling us about your interest to come to our University to study Spanish.
2. By return mail we will send you an enrollment form that you must fill out.
3. Once you are sure about the program you are going to take and the number of weeks, we will send you the payment instructions, via international bank transfer or through a link for payment by credit or debit card
4. We will send you the Letter of Acceptance and with it you can process your visa online to come as a student to Colombia.
5. When you get your student visa approved, you can buy your plane tickets to Colombia. You must also buy an international medical insurance, we can provide advice.
6. We'll send accommodations options close to the University so that you can select where you will stay in Villavicencio.
7. Once you arrive in the city of Villavicencio, we will pick you up and bring you to your accommodation.
If you would like to study for less than 8 weeks it is possible to enter any of the courses but you will have to pay the same price as if you were taking the full course.
Face to face lessons: 64 hours
Autonomus work: 31 hours
Common European Framework of Reference: A2
Problemic core:
How can Spanish language and culture students interact in basic Spanish context situations?
Communicative functions:
Giving instructions and asking for favors.
Talking about the neighborhood.
Dating someone.
Describing what’s going on.
Where am I? Directions.
Describing your favorite type of weather.
Talking about past events.
Planning my ideal vacation.
Going shopping around the city.
Comparing and contrasting touristic sights.
Social Activities
- Bowling - Visit to the Zoo Los Ocarros - River Trip
- Movies - GYM - Cultural dancing classes - Sports
- Picnics and BBQS - Karaoke - Library - Farewell Dinner
Among the activities, you may find:
- Workshop on creative, academic and critical writing.
- Develop,emt of communicative skills to develop fluency and accurancy (debates, round tables, academic presentation on current issues).
- Speaking club.
- Reading plan founded on graded readers of Spanish as a foreign language.
- Vocabulary expanding and use of functional Spanish.
- Preparation for DELE
Face to face lessons: 64 hours
Autonomus work: 32 hours
Common European Framework of Reference: A1
Problemic core: How will students be able to effectively communicate with spanish speakers in a variety of everyday situations at an A1 level?
Communicative functions:
Giving and asking personal information.
Talk about countries and nationalities.
Tell the time.
Express daily activities and routines.
Describe places.
Give addresses and locations.
Cope with basic communicative situations: at the restaurant, at the bank, at the university, at the airport, at the hospital, at the supermarket, and so on.
Use numbers and quantities.
Describe people’s physical appearances and personalities.
Express likes and dislikes.
Order a typical dish (favorite recipes).
Talk about outdoor activities.
Describe what they do for fun.
Get to know your neighbors.
Use affirmatives, negatives and questions.
Visit touristic places in the city.
Face to face lessons: 64 hours
Autonomus work: 32 hours
Common European Framework of Reference: A2
Problemic core:
How will students be able to communicate with others about their daily routines, lifestyles, and past experiences using common words and expressions at an A2 level?
Communicative functions:
Give instructions and asking for favors.
Compare information and expressing opinions.
Talk about the neighborhood.
Talk about dating and relationships.
Ask and giving information for a CV.
Describe what´s going on.
Describe personal experiences.
Give directions to arrive to a place.
Describe your favorite type of weather.
Talk about past habits.
Narrate past events and customs.
Plan my ideal vacation.
Predict actions in the future.
Go shopping around the city.
Compare and contrast touristic sights.
Give advice and suggestions.
Use modals to ask and give advice, orders, and instructions.
Face to face lessons: 64 hours
Autonomus work: 32 hours
Common European Framework of Reference: B1
Problemic core:
How will the students be able to understand and produce organized texts related to work, study, or their personal lives at a B1 level?
Communicative functions:
Tell anecdotes.
Be immersed in past events.
Express curiosity.
Give instructions, advice, and solutions.
Talk about wishes.
Express probability in the present, past, and future.
Talk about superstitions.
Show agreement and disagreement.
Fashion: How do I look?
Relate two or more moments in the time.
Give explanations and apologies.
Talk about consequences and purpose.
Describe wishes and gratitude.
Offer help, congratulate someone, and apologize.
Face to face lessons: 64 hours
Autonomus work: 32 hours
Common European Framework of Reference: B2
Problemic core:
How will students be able to develop complex ideas and opinions about specialized topics of their interest and profession at a B2 level?
Communicative functions:
Talk about sanitary precautions when traveling abroad.
Mass media points of view.
Exchange information about leisure and free time.
Analyze and give a review of a movie.
Give their opinion about controversial topics such as music piracy.
Talk about hypotheses and possibilities of present and future events.
Describe the value of actions, objects, and states.
Compare and contrast a variety of issues and situations.
Use colloquial expressions to describe misunderstanding, indifference, and their opinions.
Describe in specific detail their interests, likes and dislikes.
Solve problems that occur in a variety of situations such as air travel.